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TDK Capacitor Life and Rating Application (CLARA)
Editor:admin    Published:2024-04-30 12:00:00     Views: 31423


CLARA is an intuitive search-oriented simulation tool for TDK and EPCOS film capacitors. It helps designers to find the most suitable product for their application conditions in just a few clicks. Within the design tool specifications of different products and the performance of the products under customer-specific application conditions can be simulated easily. Additionally, CLARA allows to include personal notes during a search and it is directly linked to the TDK Product Center for sample requests or product inquiries.

*Expected lifetime is an estimation and it is not provided in case of excess of any of the given ratings or in case of products that have no given reliability or lifetime figures in the corresponding product data sheet.

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CLARA Application Overview

Tool for power circuit designers using film capacitors

²  Powerful parametric search based on capacitor parameters

²  Powerful simulation of given application conditions

²  Combination of both (search by simulation) in the Advance Search Application Based module

Indication of safety margins and limits

²  Returns the maximum allowed temperature at the target operation voltage

²  Returns the maximum allowed voltage at the target operation temperature

²  Thus providing more flexibility to the designers to adjust whatever is more convenient

Part characteristics

²  Download curves of ESR, IRMS vs. frequency, impedance, 3D step, spice models

Part comparison

²  Up to 4 part numbers

²  By characteristics

²  By simulation of application conditions

Download Capacitor Life and Rating Application (CLARA) Presentation Manual here: Download Presentation Materials

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Next: Application of enhanced metallized film capacitors

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