TDK Capacitor Life and Rating Application (CLARA) |
Editor:admin Published:2024-04-30 12:00:00 Views: 16425 |
CLARA is an intuitive search-oriented simulation tool for TDK and EPCOS film capacitors. It helps designers to find the most suitable product for their application conditions in just a few clicks. Within the design tool specifications of different products and the performance of the products under customer-specific application conditions can be simulated easily. Additionally, CLARA allows to include personal notes during a search and it is directly linked to the TDK Product Center for sample requests or product inquiries. Note: Start Capacitor Life And Rating Application CLARA Application Overview Tool for power circuit designers using film capacitors ² Powerful parametric search based on capacitor parameters ² Powerful simulation of given application conditions ² Combination of both (search by simulation) in the Advance Search Application Based module Indication of safety margins and limits ² Returns the maximum allowed temperature at the target operation voltage ² Returns the maximum allowed voltage at the target operation temperature ² Thus providing more flexibility to the designers to adjust whatever is more convenient Part characteristics ² Download curves of ESR, IRMS vs. frequency, impedance, 3D step, spice models Part comparison ² Up to 4 part numbers ² By characteristics ² By simulation of application conditions Download Capacitor Life and Rating Application (CLARA) Presentation Manual here: Download Presentation Materials |
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